Author Guidelines
Manuscript Categories
TJC accepts manuscripts in the following categories:
1. Full Papers: Original research findings with comprehensive experimental procedures, data analysis, and in-depth discussions.
2. Communications: Short reports on significant findings or breakthroughs requiring rapid dissemination.
3. Review Articles: By invitation only, providing a comprehensive overview of specific fields in chemistry. Unsolicited reviews may be considered if submitted by experts with proven experience in the field.
4. Notes: Brief reports on preliminary studies, novel techniques, or interesting findings that do not warrant full papers but are still of importance to the community.
5. Book Reviews: Critical evaluations of recently published chemistry-related books.
Manuscripts in all categories must adhere to TJC's formatting and submission guidelines.
Formatting and Submission Guidelines
General Manuscript Format Manuscripts must be submitted in MS Word format, double-spaced, on A4 (8.5" x 11") paper with 1-inch margins. The following order of sections should be followed:
1. Title Page
2. Abstract
3. Keywords
4. Introduction
5. Materials and Methods
6. Results and Discussion
7. Conclusion
8. Conflict of Interest
9. Acknowledgments
10. References
11. Tables, Figures, etc.
Titles should be concise and accurately reflect the core content of the manuscript. They must be in sentence case (only the first word and proper nouns capitalized) and avoid abbreviations or formulas, except for chemical symbols. This format enhances discoverability in indexing systems.
Author Names and Affiliations
1. Authors must provide their full names, with family names (surnames) written in uppercase letters.
2. Affiliations must follow the author names and include the department, faculty, university, city, and country.
3. Use superscript numbers to link authors to their respective affiliations.
4. The corresponding author must be identified with their contact details, including an institutional email address, phone and fax numbers, and a full postal address.
The abstract should provide a concise summary of the study, including the research objective, methods, major findings, conclusions, and implications. The abstract must not exceed 250 words, remain unstructured, and avoid references and excessive abbreviations. Any abbreviations should be spelled out on first use.
Keywords After the abstract, provide 4-5 keywords to improve searchability. These should be fully spelled out, without abbreviations.
Introduction The introduction should set the context for the research, outlining its significance, objectives, and the gap it seeks to address. It should be concise and avoid detailed descriptions of experimental procedures.
Materials and Methods This section should detail the experimental procedures in a manner that allows for the replication of the study. Methods for the synthesis, analysis, or identification of compounds should be thoroughly described. If relevant, specimen voucher numbers for biological materials should be provided. Supporting information can be included as supplementary material.
Ethical Considerations For research involving live animals, authors must confirm ethical approval by a recognized committee and adherence to international guidelines. In studies involving human subjects or tissue samples, authors must confirm that informed consent was obtained from the subjects or their legal representatives.
Results and Discussion The results should be presented clearly and supported by tables, graphs, and figures as needed. The discussion should interpret the findings in relation to existing literature, exploring their significance and implications. This section may be divided into subsections with appropriate headings for clarity.
Conclusion The conclusion should summarize the key findings and their broader implications. Avoid references and ensure that the conclusions are based on the study's results.
Abbreviations All abbreviations used in the manuscript should be defined when first mentioned (e.g., SEM for Scanning Electron Microscopy).
Tables and Figures
• Tables: Should be formatted using the table feature in Word, without borders or shading, except for column headers. Tables should be consecutively numbered (e.g., Table 1, Table 2) and include descriptive headings and column labels.
• Figures: Should be of high quality with clear labels and captions. Figures must be submitted either embedded in the manuscript or as supplementary files in acceptable formats.
Conflict-of-Interest Disclosure All authors must disclose any financial conflicts of interest, or confirm the absence of such conflicts. This statement must be provided by the corresponding author during submission.
Acknowledgments Acknowledge funding sources and individuals who contributed to the research but do not qualify for authorship.
Reference Style
TJC uses a combination of APA 7th edition and Vancouver referencing styles. Key points for references include:
a) In-text citations: References should be cited in the text using numerals in square brackets (e.g., "as demonstrated previously [1]").
b) Reference list: The list should be in numerical order, following the sequence of citations in the text. It should be single-spaced and formatted according to the examples provided below.
Examples of References:
Journal Article:
[1] Onaiwu GE, Ifijen IH. PM2.5-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs): quantification and source prediction studies in the ambient air of automobile workshops using the molecular diagnostic ratio. Asian J Atmos Environ. 2024;18(6):6.
Web Source:
Royal Society of Chemistry. Advances in green chemistry for sustainable solutions. [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2024 Dec 1]. Available from:
[2] Carey FA, Sundberg RJ. Advanced Organic Chemistry. 5th ed. New York: Springer; 2007. 1324 p.
Chapter in Edited Book:
[3] Onaiwu GE, Ifijen IH, Uzoekwe NM, Aigbodion AI, Jonathan EM. Synthesis of environmentally friendly polymers for industrial applications. In: Jones BS, Smith RZ, editors. Advances in Polymer Chemistry. Cambridge: Academic Press; 2020. p. 45-89.